Tuesday, 28 January 2025

MS and Heat

MS and Heat... not good partners!

Our summer temps here play havoc with my MS... hands, arms, feet and legs are buzzing / jelly-like / rubbery like crazy! Thankfully, it all settles down again after it cools down in the early morning - phew! Wipes me out, tho.

During a daytime jazz band gig I was playing at in March 2017, it slowly became very hot and humid in the room we were performing in. For the first set, my MS hands were fine playing guitar (as can be expected, that is!) As the temperature and humidity started to rise during the second set, my hands became very uncooperative! I had to take some 'private alone time' during the break after the second set, just to regather my wits. My hands felt like rubber or jelly for the third set... I could not play accurately at all (for my standards), tho I soldiered on.

I forgot to take my small fan, as part of my standard gig-bag. But I'm also thinking of adding some instant cooling packs as well - just in case it happens to me like that again, in the future. Maybe a small esky with some frozen ice packs as part of my gig-bag, also? Well, if needs be...

It was a real shock for me, to experience this so profoundly when exposed to a sudden change in both temperature and humidity.

When I got home afterwards, and "cooled down" - all was normal with my hands again! Go figure!

Though the drive home after the gig was 'interesting" (all OK, tho), I felt absolutely fatigued as a result of the whole experience.

I love my little air conditioner, tho... saves me on most of those stinkiest-hot Summer days.

In the summer of January 2018, we had a long spell of temps in the mid-to-high 30c's, that went on for weeks (much longer than normal)!

There was one day when, even tho I was wearing water-soaked clothing and a cotton hat sitting in front of an air conditioner, laying on a wet towel on the floor - I was crying in frustration, as it felt at least 10c+ warmer than it was! Even laying on the floor was exhausting that day. Thank goodness I live on my own... it's not such a fashionably-cool look! [laughs]

"Worsening MS Symptoms in the Heat"

As fellow MS Twitter Cindy aptly described the after-effects of heat and MS, we are "Left to Roam the Earth like a Retarded Zombie" afterwards.

In Sept. 2023, I managed to get myself one of these frozen neck rings, in preparation for the coming summer temps. Thanks to Temu.

Staying Cool with MS When It's Hot

  • Stay indoors out of direct heat.
  • Visit a local public space with air conditioning. ie. library, theatre, club etc.
  • Use things to cool yourself down: a cooling vest, neck wraps, wet bandannas, a wet hat, wear a wet (tea) towel around your neck.
  • Pour cold water over my head... once my hair starts to dry, I will repeat this process.
  • An icy cool drink - keep hydrated.
  • Freeze bottles of water and sip on the water as it melts throughout the day.
  • Chew on ice cubes.
  • Cool in a pool, use a cool bath or shower, or sit under the sprinkler.
  • Plug in the fan - airflow is important if you lack air conditioning.
  • Use a spray bottle to lightly spray yourself with water
  • Wear light loose clothing
  • Keep bathing water cooler rather than warmer.
  • Hold ice cubes, ice packs, or anything frozen against the inside of the wrists, back of the neck, or top of the head (ie. 'pulse points') to provide quick relief.
  • Ice under the arches of your feet.
  • Place a cool, damp cloth on your skin where the blood vessels are (inside your wrists, around your neck, back of knees/elbows, etc). I use wet cotton 'tennis-style-wristbands.
  • Rather than preparing/eating hot foods, snack on frozen bite-sized pieces of fruit, such as pineapple chunks, banana slices, blueberries, or grapes.
  • Mix and match different things, to see what works best for you.
  • Know your limits!


a] Celery
b] Smoothies
c] Cucumbers
d] Coconut Water
e] Watermelon
f] Strawberries
g] Lettuce

Here's a brilliant idea from @motorsportpete:
sweat wristbands soaked in water and left in the fridge to help with the hot weather

► Article: The Effects of Temperature on MS (pdf)

► Article: Uhthoff’s Phenomenon: Understanding Overheating

► Article: Best Hacks for Staying Cool with MS

Article: Top tips for staying cool in the heat

► Article: Heat and MS: An Impaired Ability to Regulate Temperatures

► ArticleTips on How to Manage Your MS in Hot Weather

► Article: The Power of Keeping Cool

► Blog Repost: "This Heat"

► Article: "Beat the Heat"

► Shift MS: Beating the Heat Tips & Twitter

► Article: MS and Heat: What You Need To Know

► Articles: Heat Sensitivity, Tips to Stay Cool and Research

► Article: "Some like it hot, but I do not" by Mary Pettigrew

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Also: MS & Heat

Peas be with ewe 

Lest We Forget - Never Again

Lest we forget what 'cultured' mankind is capable of
... man's inhumanity to man.
In all times.

No one is immune.

No matter Race, Creed or Colour.

This is a pile of ash... human ash.

Never again.

Wedding rings, near the Buchenwald concentration camp, 1945.

Eye Glasses, Footwear - Auschwitz

Anne Frank (and her sister's) memorial 'grave' at Birkenau -
as with untold and unknown others over untold Millennia,

Most innocent victims of war have no known grave in which to rest.

Those of you who know me know that I am not a political animal (nor am I Jewish etc either - just a human being). One of my part-time interests/hobbies is reading about the Nazis in WWII - not to glorify them (by no means!), but to continue trying to get my head around how a regime and a 'cultured' nation could possibly get to a point in its identity where it thought it was quite acceptable to exterminate a whole cultural minority (the Jews & Slavs and Poles), let alone the absolute horror of the death camps and worse...

Yet, as an Australian, and as one of the WWII 'Allies', we were not immune to our own acts of terrorism against the 'enemy' back in those days - if I can put it in the contemporary language of today. Not once, but TWICE, we wiped out two whole Japanese cities with atomic weapons... Damnit! Where is the glory of victory in that...?!? I guess, for me, even 70 years after these events, I'm still trying to get my head around how a 'coalition of national powers could go to such extreme measures, just to prove their point? To prove their power? Their rightness? I really don't know! I guess I have a sense of shame.
Like I said, I'm not trying to make some sort of political statement in contemporary terms here.

I'm just refreshing our memories of the

horrors that one group of people can do to another - anywhere, anytime.

No one is immune.

May it never ever happen again!

(Maljam, originally posted November 2005)


#LestWeForget  #ANZACDay  #WeRememberThem
#LestWeForget  #RememberanceDay  #November11  #WeRememberThem  #ArmisticeDay

Also: Lest We Forget

Peas be with ewe

MS 'Anniversary'

Mal's Blog Post

My MS Symptoms started on 4 November 2016... eight years ago.

💥 My MS Diagnosis Anniversary was on 23 January 2017 - eight years for me. ðŸ’¥

Crikies... what an 'interesting' journey for me so far...
[that loaded word 'interesting! lol].

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Peas be with ewe 